Friday 28 March 2014

Workout for good Arm

Feel like you’ve progressed to switch from Full-body workouts 
to an upper-lower split?  Here’s the deal: If you have been training
 for a year or less, focus on full-body workouts. When you’ve gained 
enough strength that you can’t  lift heavy for one muscle group three
 days a week without recovering property.
Switch to an upper-lower split of leg days upper-body days. 
Continue to train three days a week, but the fourth session will spill 
over intothe next week. In other words, your training week will last
 nine days instead of seven, and then you repeat workouts.
 A great strategy for an intermediate lifter is to alternate both kinds
Of training. For instance, do one month of full-body workouts followed
 by a month of upper-lower splits.

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