Monday 17 March 2014



The biggest complaint most newbie’s have is that they tend to fall asleep white meditating. This is understandable as meditation is extremely relaxing and reminiscent in many ways of the early stages of sleep. Still it can be frustrating to be meditating and then wake up realizing you must have fallen asleep. Here are ways to avoid falling asleep during meditation.

Take care of your basic needs before sitting down to meditation.
 If you don’t get sufficient rest, you will be more prone to fall asleep. If you aren’t getting enough to eat, your meditations will be about food. If you aren’t meeting your sexual needs, your meditation sessions may be rich encounters with your sexual fantasies.

Meditate in the middle of the day.
If you meditate before you go to bed or as soon as you wake up then you’re already tired and prone to falling asleep. Instead try meditating at midday when you are most alert. This will allow you to recharge your batteries after a busy morning. Drinking a cold glass of water before sitting down to meditate will help refresh you and shake up your system if you’re feeling drowsy.

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