Friday 28 March 2014

Workout for good Arm

Feel like you’ve progressed to switch from Full-body workouts 
to an upper-lower split?  Here’s the deal: If you have been training
 for a year or less, focus on full-body workouts. When you’ve gained 
enough strength that you can’t  lift heavy for one muscle group three
 days a week without recovering property.
Switch to an upper-lower split of leg days upper-body days. 
Continue to train three days a week, but the fourth session will spill 
over intothe next week. In other words, your training week will last
 nine days instead of seven, and then you repeat workouts.
 A great strategy for an intermediate lifter is to alternate both kinds
Of training. For instance, do one month of full-body workouts followed
 by a month of upper-lower splits.



Hold a dumbbell in one hand and,keeping your lower back in ts natural arch, push your hips
Back and lower the wight to the floor in front of you [1]. 

Explosively extend your hips and knees to rise up on the balls of your feet and use the momentum to raise the weight up to shoulder level [2] 

and press it straight overhead [3].

Reserve the motion to return to the starting position . That’s one rep.

Sets:4                                     Reps:3                                Rest:0 Sec

Debunking massage myths

Debunking Massage Myths
A postsweat rubdown may feel fantastic . But it won’t help stiffness, say experts at lthaca College in New Yourk. Exercise who worked to fatigue and then got a 20-minute massage felt as tight as unmassaged folks did when peak soreness set in. They did have less intense aches, though. 

How to come with the loss of a loved on

How to come with the loss of a loved on
At any age the loss of a loved one can be devastating, but it’s important that you deal with your grief properly to avoid damaging your own health. Research suggests that grieving widows and widowers have a higher risk of dying in the months after a spouse’s death, with heart disease and stroke accounting for as many as 53 percent of those deaths among the bereaved. Mount signal social worker Sheila Barton, LCSW, notes that as well as losing a partner, oldest adults who lose their spouses may also los their financial security and their social contacts.

Friday 21 March 2014

Red Meat & Beans

Red Meat & Beans
This combo is rich in b-vitamin which are important for energy production. They support the neurotransmission system of the brain that promotes development of verve cells and diminishes depression and anxiety. Low levels of B- vitamins have been associated with restless nerves, irritability, heart palpitations and fatigue.

GreenOr Black tea

Both teas are rich in the amino acid theanine which has been found to increase neurotransmitters GABA and Dopamine in the brain that exert a calming effect. Studies also suggest that when theanine is combined with natural occurring caffeine in tea there is an increased sense of alertness and attention.